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ADI Part 3: Instructional Ability

This part of the training prepares you for the Instructional Ability Test, which is an essential skill for any Driving Instructor.

ADI part 3 instructional ability test – What is involved?

The object of this test is to assess the quality of your instruction and your ability to pass your knowledge on to pupils.

Part 3 is an instructional ability test, which dramatically changed in 2018. As a result the examiner now requires to watch you give a driving lesson to a real learner and depending upon what they see will determine if you pass this third and final part of the qualification process. Therefore you need to gain as much experience as possible of training real learners under the supervision of an expert SKY instructor training coach before you take this test. Typically this will take you between 4 to 12 months to pass following our practical training and accompanying open learning study programme.

In assessing your performance, the examiner will take into account:

  • The method, clarity, adequacy and correctness of instruction given
  • The observation, analysis and correction of faults committed by the pupil
  • Your general manner

Once the 40 hour Training Course is completed you could be awarded a Trainee Licence. Now the training you have received will really kick in and your own road and driving experience will also be drawn on. A Trainee Licence will allow you to work with a Driving School and give paid Driving Instructions before taking the Part 3 Test. This can only be obtained after successfully passing the Part 2 Test, this Licence has a duration of six months.

Practical experience gained in this way will be essential in preparing you for the Part 3 Test and will confirm that you are heading for success. At this stage the work with a Driving School can still be fitted in around your current commitments.

Please note you will also need to pay examination fees to the DVSA as you take each part of the exam.

  • The Part 1 test fee is £90
  • The Part 2 test fee is £111
  • The Part 3 test fee is £111.

Finally once qualified the DVSA charge a registration fee of £300 which has to be paid every 4 years to remain on the DVSA Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) register.

You will also have to buy, or borrow from your Library, the DVSA’s recommended reading books