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Driving Test Facts & Fiction

The Theory test pass rate first time pass rate is 70%

The Driving test pass rate is 47%

A person passing their Driving test has has an average of 47 Driving lessons with a Driving Instructor plus 20 hrs of practice

You will fail the Practical test if you commit a serious or dangerous driving fault, or if you commit more than 15 driving faults.

Dangerous Fault – causing actual danger.

Serious Fault – a potential dangerous incident or a recurring driving fault that shows a serious weakness in your driving.

Driving Fault – a less serious fault.

The actual driving part of the test, will last for around forty minutes. You must demonstrate that you have the required skills, knowledge and attitude to drive safely and unaccompanied. The test route will take you through a variety of road and traffic situations. The examiner will provide instructions clearly and in good time, but if you are unsure about anything you should always ask them to repeat the instruction. You will have to perform one of the following special exercises:

• Pull up on the right-hand side of the road
• Reverse parallel parking
• Reverse & forward bay parking

One in three practical tests may also include an emergency stop.

If you are female it will not affect the outcome if you wear a short skirt and low cut blouse! After all, if you look that stunning then surely the examiner would be more inclined to fail you so you’d come back to take another test and they might get another chance to glimpse of your gorgeous cleavage? Stick to comfortable clothes and concentrate on your driving.

According to DSA statistics on 2011/12 the number of practical tests completed was 729,977 and the pass rate for male drivers was 50.3% against 43.9% for female

However as far as the Driving Instructor qualification exam is concerned 32.5% of females pass that exam compared to only 29.8% of males (hence females are better teachers)

The driving test is much harder to pass than it used to be – True. The roads are far busier which means standards have to be higher.

The test has far more components than it used to have – including the reverse parking manoeuvres which many learners struggle with. There’s also the ‘show and tell’ section of the test, and a separate theory test where in the past the candidate would just be asked a few questions on the Highway Code.

Someone can accompany you on your test – You are permitted to take your instructor, or anyone else, on the test. It is best that you take your driving instructor, so if you fail, then your instructor will be able to tell you where you went wrong. This will give you areas to focus on before re-taking the test.

At the start of your practical driving test you have an eyesight test. You must be able to read (with glasses or contact lenses, if necessary) a car number plate made after 1 September 2001 from 20 metres.

You can ask anyone to accompany you during the driving test including your instructor for moral support, they just can’t say anything to you during the test.

The Driving Test has become far harder than it was in your parents days. The test has grown to match the changing conditions on the roads. There are more cars, congestion, traffic signs and rules. So if dad tells you that he passed first time after 10 lessons get him to take a check test with your Driving Instructor!